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Designed for Day Traders
30-Minute Bar Statistics
Session Statistics RTH, Globex
Designed for Day Traders
Markets Published
Session Statistics RTH, Globex
Statistics Designed For Day Traders

Statistics Designed For Day Traders

13 Reports for Each Market

Formatted to Use While Trading

30 Minute Bar Statistics

30-Minute Bar Statistics

Statistics on Each 30-Minute Bar

Range Statistics

30, 90, 180 & 365 Days

Prior Bar Statistics

% Inside Prior Bar
% Encompass Prior Bar
% Closed Inside Prior Bar
30, 90, 180 & 365 Days

Daily Session Statistics

Session Range Statistics

Overnight Session

Regular Trading Hours

Full Globex Session

By Day of Week and All Days Combined

Average, Median, Minimum and Maximum Ranges

30, 90, 180 and 365 Days

Tagging Statistics for Day Traders

Tagging Statistics

Overnight Range (ONR)

Initial Balance Period (IBP)

Initial Balance Period (IBP) 1.5

7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180 & 365 Days



Crude Oil Futures

CL - WTI Crude Oil

E-Mini Futures

ES - S&P
NQ - Nasdaq 100
RTY - Russell 2000

Micro E-mini Futures

MES - Micro S&P
MNQ - Micro Nasdaq 100
M2K - Micro Russell 2000
MYM - Micro DOW

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Welcome to Statistics for Trading

If you are a Day Trader and want to improve your edge, you have come to the right place.  This site is designed to help Day Traders do just that by using statistics to help them think in probabilities.